Crown King Back Road
Some challenges going to CK Mixed vehicles head up tp Crown King for some serious offroading and some great food.
Right after one of the obstacles
Waiting to see the status of the F150 with flat
Friendly bull
Cactii were in full bloom
taking a break before the trail gets hard
The authors red disco, called drippy.
More scenery
mining relics at the restaurant
greatest food in CK.. The Mill - The were actually open, they close at 4pm and we were leaving a 3:45p
Dodge getting his steering damper looked at
First little play hill, easy as pie.
Full size F250 give it a go.. Diesel power helps.
Dodge head over one of the rock ledges
Makes it handily.
Geoff attempts the ledge
Making sure he's taking the right line
He's over it.
Stuart goes for it, white knuckles and all..
Great view of stewart's drive train
F250 rubbed his side steps a bit, but made it over.
Martin goes for it.
Makes it look easy.
Bring on the next one!