Large Binocular Telescope

Large Binocular Telescope


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The Large Binocular Telescope conducts observations with two 8.4m- diameter mirrors on a common mount, providing a collecting area equal to a single 11.8m mirror and interferometric capability with an edge-to-edge baseline of 22.8m. With these attributes, the LBT is the first of the emerging generation of Extremely Large Telescopes.

The telescope is located on Mt Graham in southeast Arizona, which at 3200m is one of the highest observatory sites in North America. The LBT Observatory operates as an international collaboration with partners in Germany, Italy, and the United States.

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Treasure Park – East


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Treasure Park East sits along the scenic Swift Trail in the deserts of southern Arizona. The picturesque mountain meadow setting offers visitors an escape from the desert heat and opportunities for viewing wildlife and wildflowers, as well as group camping, hiking, mountain biking and picnicking.

The location boasts an interesting history. Legend has it that a treasure of stolen gold and silver was buried here by a band of outlaws in the 1850s. They reportedly marked the site with a triangle formed by three colored granite stones, though no buried treasure was ever found.

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San Juan Mountains


The Alps of the west! this area in southwest Colorado boasts some of the most amazing scenery and soaring mountains in the entire USA. featuring 6,  14-ers over 14000 feet in elevation.  Small towns with tons of charm like Ouray and Telluride also!




Ouray, Colorado
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Four Peaks Wilderness


There are three distinct topographic zones within the area: The craggy summits of the peaks, the complex series of ridges and drainages below the peaks, and the area of bluffs and short deep gorges bordering Apache and Canyon Reservoirs. Elevations vary from 1,600 feet near Mormon Flat Dam to 7,657 feet at the summit of Brown’s Peak, the northern-most and highest of the four peaks.

Plant communities and their relationships with each other are particularly interesting in this area. This is due to the rapid changes in both elevation and aspect. North-facing slopes often will have entirely different vegetation than will an adjacent south-facing slope. Rapid changes in elevations produce unusual neighbors, with species of plants usually growing hundreds of miles apart found side-by-side. At the highest elevation, Ponderosa pine and some Douglas fir are found. There are one or two small stands of aspen on the north slope of Brown’s Peak. At intermediate elevations (6,000 – 4,000 ft.), extensive stands of Mountain chaparral are encountered.

Pinyon pine, Gambel oak, and manzanita are typical species, and often form impenetrable thickets. Below 4,000 ft., semidesert grasslands blend into the Upper Sonoran Desert. Impressive stands of the giant Saguaro cactus can be seen at the lowest elevations. Of particular interest are the narrow canyons with riparian vegetation, including pleasing groups of cottonwoods and sycamores. Also of special interest are areas that have burned over at various times in the past, with various sub-climax species to be found.

As with vegetation, the rapid changes in elevation bring together diverse species of wildlife within a relatively small area. Studies have shown that this area contains one of the highest concentrations of black bears in the State of Arizona. Campers should take all appropriate precautions, especially with food storage. Other mammals found here include ring-tailed cats, skunks, coyotes, deer, javelina, and mountain lion. A band of desert bighorn sheep has been reintroduced near here, and a rare sighting is possible. Rattlesnakes, scorpions, black widows, centipedes, millipedes, etc., also call parts of this area home.


20205-20209 Duthie-Martin Hwy, Fort McDowell, Arizona, 85264
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Brother John’s Beer Bourbon and BBQ


Venue Phone: (520) 867-6787

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1801 North Stone Ave, Tucson, Arizona, 85705, United States
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Eva’s Fine Mexican


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On July 3rd, 1985 Eva Cornejo and her family opened their first restaurant just over 8 miles from their Eva’s Norte location in Casa Grande. The opportunity to open her original store came when they found a building that needed to be moved. That move cost $7,000 and the building traveled a little over 3 miles from Toltec Rd to where it sits today at I-10 and Sunland Gin Rd. (Building was torn down in 2021)

Eva has always enjoyed cooking for her family. The secret is cooking her own recipes from scratch, roasting chilis, and preparing homemade tortillas daily. Eva has been cooking for over 40 years for anyone who has stopped in. Present Day: After a second location in Casa Grande was opened in 2008, which was designed to be very reminiscent of the Tata Santos Ranch in Sonora where the Cornejo family worked, lived, and ate together. The design is that of the hacienda in Mexico, designed entirely from Eva’s son Fernando. Whom took over the family restaurant after Mrs. Eva’s health declined and closed in 2015. Fernando determined to reopen and open our present location in late 2016. He passed away in October 2021, the family determined to keep Eva’s dream alive is still open today. The Cornejo’s truly wish for you to experience what they have come to love and that is, to serve you as our guest and make you feel like family.

“Our Guest are Family”

Familia Cornejo


665 N Pinal Ave, Casa Grande, Arizona, 85122
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Crown King


Take the 26 mile journey from Lake Pleasant to the old mining town of Crown King. Along the challenging trail, you’ll pass through obstacles, old mines, and great views as you climb into the Prescott National Forest.


Crown King, Arizona
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Madera Canyon



Pategonia, Arizona
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New River Canyon


New River is rugged and will have you feeling like you are in a remote part of the world rather than a quick drive from the Valley of the Sun. Stretching over 19 miles long across the New River Mountains and Mesa, you will feel enveloped inside the mountains and surrounded by saguaro and other cacti of the area. On a good day, you can cross the New River several times when it is flowing.


New River, Arizona
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Arrowhead Land Rover



19350 AZ-101 Loop, glendale, Arizona, 85308
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