Category: News

The Little Can That Could


During World War II the United States exported more tons of petroleum products than of all other war matériel combined. The mainstay of the enormous oil-andgasoline transportation network that fed the war was the oceangoing tanker, supplemented on land by pipelines, railroad tank cars, and trucks. But for combat vehicles on the move, another link was crucial—smaller containers that could be carried and poured by hand and moved around a battle zone by trucks.

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Rover Divas Continue Media Dominance

Continuing their journey to take over all off-road media, the Rover Divas have two new feathers in their collective cap: They’ve now launched their own web site, – a step up from their old blogger site, and they are appearing yet again in another off-highway / overlanding staple, The Overland Journal‘s summer edition. {rokbox album=|album| title=|Rover Divas :: Overland Journal Summer Edition|}images/stories/2011/divasOverlandthumb.jpg{/rokbox} You can follow the Divas’ exploits on their web site, and azlro also provides their rss […]

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Club Meeting – Casa Grande – 08/20/2011

Members – you are cordially invited to AZLRO’s next quarterly club business meeting. Meeting time and date: August 20th, from 3-6 PM at the Francisco Grande Hotel & Golf Resort in Casa Grande, Arizona.

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Top Gear Reviews the Range Rover Evoque

{rokbox title=|Top Gear on the Evoque| text=|Watch the Video| size=|640 390| thumb=|images/stories/2011/evoque/evoque.png|}{/rokbox} {rokbox title=|Top Gear on the Evoque| text=|Watch the Video| size=|640 390|}{/rokbox}

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18″ Wheels on an LR4

Joanne Gets a British Makeover.

In April 2011, I decided that my 2010 LR4 with HD needed more rugged tires. I started looking online at possible tires for the 19 inch wheels that came with my vehicle. I quickly found that my choices were limited/non-existent.

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2011 Four Peaks / Sugarloaf Cleanup sponsored by Copperstate 4 Wheelers

Last years cleanup turn out was good but we’re hoping for a bigger turn out this year. We’re also a bit ambitious as well. This year, Copperstate 4 wheelers is planning the cleanup for both Sugarloaf and Four peaks. We will be working closely with the Tonto National Forest for both locations. This years combined cleanup will be on Saturday November the 5th. The meeting time is 8 am and we’ll likely be out there until 3 pm or so. […]

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Members Only BBQ & Swap Meet

AZLRO proudly announces the first ever “members only” BBQ/Swap Meet/Rover Meet, this Saturday May 21st!

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Rover Divas & more in Arizona Driving Mag


The Rover Divas and council member Shaun’s family make a cameo in the latest issue of Arizona Driver Magazine’s coverage of the 2011 Overland Expo.

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AZLRO gets mention from ViewRanger

ViewRanger GPS, the award winning mobile phone GPS application that sponsored the 2011 Arizona Land Rover Rally by providing AZLRO Trail Leaders with their mobile GPS application lists AZLRO on their web site on their Off-Road Driving page.

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LR4 Ad Campaign

LR4 – You’ll feel safe inside, but you might not feel like these are the most effective ads to sell Land Rovers. Land Rover’s ad campaign for the LR4:

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