Each official club member will be allowed to submit 5 names for the AZLRO council. The five individuals with the most votes will be elected to the council.
Koly will tally the votes. The voting will be allowed between 3-12 December 2007. Any club member that has interest in being on the council needs to send an email to the listing, but it is not necessary for the voting process.
There is a separate email for members to vote. The email address is: council@azlro.org
YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR NAME WHEN SUBMITTING YOUR 5 VOTES OR YOUR INPUT WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE TALLY. The list of eligible members for the council are included in the attachment. If you have any questions, please email me separately. Koly will announce the council members following the vote.
For those members that are interested in being considered for being voted onto the council, there is no need to identify a specific position that you want on the council. The consensus from the monthly meetings was to not have specific positions to vote for. Once the 5 members are selected by club members, then the only position that should be considered is the treasurer since that individual will have to maintain the club account with a bank. That will be defined by the council. It could be anyone of the 5 members. This is an attempt to keep this process as simple as possible for everyone involved, so please just submit 5 member names that you believe can help in continuing to grow and support the best interests of the AZLRO club.
Click through for a roster of eligible members.
Here are the members eligible to receive votes:
Kolander, Bob Dodell, David Anderson, Sam Modica, Rob Reed, Ken Fowler, Brian & Cynthia Grimes, William & Aone Yoshino Robinson, Michael & Patti Lyon McWhirter, Art & Melissa Blevins, Jack Scott, Jeffry Sharp, Bob Smith, Kevin & Lorita Christensen, Jon Stephens, Keith & Betty Martinez, Leo &Hillary Moyer, Ted & Marilyn Moyer-Ward Pearson, John & Susan Hameed, Adriana Hameed, Azim Howard, James & Kelly Wasilow, Alex & Judy and Andrew Solomon, Armando & Terese Haeussler, Mark & Deedee Myers McDonald, Mike & Susan, Gillian, A.J. Miles, Derek White, Matt Baker, Scott Gallagher, Pat Rooker, Todd & Gina -Nicholas Felix, David Gregory, Ian & Lille Murray, Darrell Alvarez, Jess Dahlstrom, Rick Harris, Glen & Julie McKay, Loren & Edwina Kaakouch, Ziad N. Smith, David & Loraine England, Robert J. Simpson, Matthew E. DeSilva, Len Bryant, Russ Nerheim, Knut & Susan Hanshew, Eric McVay, Matthew Sugden, Henry Ray, Michael Schwartz, David & Lynn Spinner, Jonathon Gelbaugh, William Cherry, Jane & David Broome, Mildred G. Holbrook, Robert Freeman, Mark & Rachel Baumgardener, Lee & Beth Howard, Raymond Miller, Robert Flattley, Rita Volpe, James & Claire McCorvey, Erik Woodbury, Tom Grada, Mircea Odgear, Steve Coulter, Jill & Steve Bliss, David Rowley, Jon Paul, Miki & Chuck Hill Matthewson, James Jewett, Joshua & Julie Tello, Rene & Pricela Eoff, John & Kim Zobrist, Fred & Brandee Powell, Chuck Durkin, Bryan Meade, Sean Stangel, Jayson Wiss, Zachary Z Lachey, Michael & Mandy Thomas, Stephen Chavis, Lela Lee Benedict, David Brett Woodward, Rob Johnson, Maury Schauf, Brad Manz, Chad Kavanagh, James Brown, Rodney Rafka, Frank